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Involved in the textil sector

Involved in the textile sector, in the spinning of woollen yarns in wool for carpets and rugs, Hilaturas Textiles Crevillente starts its journey in 1990, with a decided vocation of service and a consolidated human team whose experience place us as a reference in our sector.

In 2005 HTC acquires the Company Maxifil, located in Tarrasa (Barcelona), moving its premises to Crevillente.

Our customers full satisfaction

Our goal is to achieve the total customer satisfaction thanks to an exhausting policy of quality, which makes possible to offer high standards in efficacy, fastness and personalization of our yarns.

Premises of 5000 m2

Maxifil has currently a premises of 5000 m2, where more than 1.000.000 kg of woollen yarn are manufactured annually, which are forwarded to the European and American markets.



On a January, 19th 1990, in Catral, and thanks to the enterprising willing of an excellent human and professional team, with background in the most important textile companies in our area, made possible that HTC could be born.


The new Company was born with the added value of its team large experience in all productive processes and areas, that allowed itself to catch the customers needs and convey them to the new production system and its quality control of the final product.


Our increasing evolution provoked that in 1998, we were forced to move to our corrent premises in Crevillente, where we keep offering, day by day, our best.


It starts by opening and cleaning the wool or fiber, at the bales breaker, then the resultant material, passes through an oiling process, that produces a softener effect in it, keeping its humidity and giving it an antistatic treatment.


Later, it will be conveyed by pneumatic transport to the carding rooms, where, after staying 24 hours, the fiber will be ready to start the carding process, which has the object to separate totally the fibers, deleting the imperfect-ones, and obtaining, that way, a carding sliver with clean and joint fibers.


Then, in the spinning ring frames and in the twisting machines, we give the torsion and the suitable elongation to get the desired breaking tension and count. Finally, in the bobbin winder and hank winder machine, we make the finishing process to the yarn.

Responsible with the world

In Maxifil we keep a firm engagement with the environment care. A conscience that takes us to implant measures in the labor security prevention and a quality increase.
Actions like the collection of solid organic residues from our industrial activity or the humidification processes to avoid fibers residues in the air, as well as the use of biodegradable products.


In Maxifil we bet for the constant modernization of our production lines through the investment in cutting edge technology, as well as the continuous innovation in the production processes and treatment of the raw material.

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